The Making of Toppr's
Welcome Kit
Create a tangible product that can be given to students who sign up on Toppr. A delightful offering that’s designed to be useful, appealing and acts as a marketing tool for Toppr.
Mind mapping & Brainstorming
We listed down all the collaterals that could be included in the welcome kit, keeping our customers and the size of the kit in mind. The second step was to allot each of these items a score, based on exposure to target market, size, viability, retention and possession tenure. The items with the highest score were then chosen to be included in the Welcome Kit.
Moodboard & Lookboard
When we started working on the Welcome Kit, we already knew the feeling we wanted to capture, ‘belonging’. We wanted the user to feel valued, to know that they belonged to something bigger. We wanted to ignite curiosity and delight, with a scheme that attracts our target segment. So we weren’t looking to make something classy, we wanted something kiddish and attractive. We lined up a lot of illustration styles and finally chose to go with Alle Giorgini’s style of illustration.
The collaterals will be housed within two platforms placed over one another, inside two containers, while they are covered with flaps above the scooped-out area, making a seamless story with illustrations on the top surface. The illustrations would depict how Toppr affects lives of millions of students, covered by illustration composition in Alle Giorgini style.
At this point you fuse your design with the existing inspirational universe of designs, that just exploded around you (Pinterest, dribble, Behance, etc.) and whole new product is in front of you. When inspiration struck me, I decided to turn the TopprWelcome Kit unboxing into a journey. I wanted it to be an experience in itself. I decided to make it a tin box container.
Because the one thing I’ve seen moms care about, more than their children are sustainable containers. Whether it’s used in the kitchen by mothers, jewelry boxes by sisters, or by the kids to store their collectible cards or stationery in, I know it will be treasured. The ultimate result is that the box is getting decent exposure after its main use and will stick around for a while for sure.
Final Collaterals
Here's the list of collaterals we finally settled on: A pen, wristband, diary, brochure, a bag, referral coupons and stickers.
After the Welcome Kit was distributed to the new users, we realized that the kit was much more than a mere marketing tool. It was powerful enough to bring us a lot more referrals from the students as well as the parents. All in all, it was a project that worked for us and taught us a whole lot more.
The Design Team
Coming up next!
See you soon 👋 & Show some love 👍